Monday, 28 February 2011

I'm getting my Kinect tomorrow!  Yey!  Get another tick :-)

I only have two photo's to show you.  I've had problems getting Sunday's pictures uploaded so will try again tomorrow when I have some more time.

This is from Saturday, the party we were at.  It was a lovely do!

And today - Will and Beno boy.  How cute!

Friday, 25 February 2011

It's Friday!

It's time for the weekend!  I'm going to be away this weekend, so no more posts until Sunday.

Until then - here are some photos.

I love love love this building.   Now, I know nothing about architecture, but I could look at this building for ages.  It's beautiful.  It makes my imagination go into overdrive!  Can't you imagine those steps being the scene for some epic love scene or Shakespearean style fight (though yes, wrong type of building I know, but work with me!) It's just awesome.

As for this?  Well, this is the money I made from selling my Wii, Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus.  I now have enough money for my Kinect!  Though Will did make me all paranoid by saying "Don't spend it until they've tested it in case it doesn't work".  Unlikely to be an issue.  Tuesday and I'll get a new toy!  How exciting :-)
Until then, I'm off to an engagement party tomorrow and we're staying in a hotel overnight.  Does that mean I get to tick that one twice?  ....

Thursday, 24 February 2011

I really need to do more things...

This time, my lack of posts are not my bad - internet is all screwed up.

That's Tuesday's photo.  It's me!  Reading a book!  Isn't that exciting?

I still haven't ticked anything else, but that will be changing Tuesday.  I sold my Wii and Wii Fit, which has given me enough money for my Kinect!  I'm buying it on Tuesday because I'm not handing it over and getting my money till tomorrow night, then we're away this weekend.  After work, Tuesday is my first free day.  But I'll get a tick nonetheless!  Woop....

Here's another photo for you.

That's my desk at work.  I was working hard.  Note the requisite Pepsi Max and coloured pens.  *thumbs up*

More ticks to come soon, promise!

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Graffitti and Branches

It's the weekend!  Hooray!  

I'm still ploughing through Anna Karenina, this one's going to take a while.  :-/  I know it's a classic, but really Tolstoy, you've not exactly captured me yet.

I have, however, ticked off something at least!  Yesterday we watched Shakespeare In Love.  I hadn't seen that since I was about ten.  Knowing more about Shakespeare and the history of that era meant I really enjoyed it, found it a lot more funny and enjoyed all the play/sonnet references.  We've got Taxi Driver through from LoveFilm too, so I'll be watching that soon...

A lot of what I'm doing at the moment is working towards larger goals.  Losing weight, writing, saving... It doesn't make for the most interesting story, but it means eventually I'll be able to tick those things off.  I feel I'm not doing too badly so far.  

But anyway, time for graffitti and braches.  Have a good weekend!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Go pokémon go!

I didn't score anything off today.  Anna Karenina is hard, but I quite like it so far.  Apparently, Tolstoy didn't much go in for formatting, but hey.  I'm reading it on Kindle for Android, so it's quite handy!  

Today's been a lot about working towards those larger goals and more evidence that I Hate March.  To cover the latter first, we discovered some damage to our roof, which obviously, isn't fun.  Instead, it's quite expensive.  But, for the former, I levelled up my WoW character a bit (60 now, 25 to go), paid off a little more of my credit card, took a photo and wrote in my journal.  All list-related topics!  I also had a chance to catch up with dad - the excellent handyman that he is fixed our skylight, thanks dad! - and a good friend of mine over a hot chocolate  Nice.

So while I don't have much interesting things to tell you, I am planning a weekend of list ticking coming early in March.  (Maybe I'll hate March a little less that weekend).  We're going to spend a weekend with my parents, take them out for tea, walk the Forth Road Bridge and go to Deep Sea World.  Three ticks!  Hurray!

For today though, here's a picture.  Go, pokémon, go!

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Say Whaaa?

I've decided I'm not looking forward to March.  It's a five week month, and I'm going to be £200 shorter than normal because of council tax and winter utility bills.  Eek!  That leaves me with around £400 for the month.... scary times.  So, I'll be fitting in as many "free" things as possible next month!

Back to this month though, I've ticked of another thing - I finished the Dark Materials trilogy by finishing off The Amber Spyglass.  It's kind of a send end to the series, but I took away some interesting ideas from it.  I've started on Anna Karenina (not that I'm a glutton for punishment or anything).  

My picture for yesterday was of a church down in the centre of town.  I liked the photo and I love this building.  It looks more impressive when the sky's a nice blue, but it still looks pretty!

And today's was Leelu.  She just looked so bewildered and all "Whaaaa?"

But, hey, I've been at work today and I'm not scoring you anything else off lovelies.  Soon, though!

Monday, 14 February 2011

Photo photo photo

How embarrassing, I've not done very well at blogging have I?

Well, this weekend has been a little busy.  We had a friend over on Saturday who is moving away, so we were up drinking until about 3am.  Fun!  I had a braw time.  Sunday I spent with family.  And now it's today!

Since my last entry, I've just been boring and read another book, The Subtle Knife, and I've nearly finished the next one too.  You do get quite into the story don't you?  And it certainly asks some interesting philosophical questions.... I'd certainly put it on your to-do list, if you have one.

I want to show you my pictures too.  

Saturday - a tree.  (Obviously).  I like nature, I like when the leaves are all starting to grow.  This tree isn't quite there yet but when I looked up through the bare branches I could imagine what it'll be like soon, all leafy and green.

Sunday - the Mars bar I brought home for Will from my mum had a face!

Monday - just an interesting shot.  I'm not sure why I liked it, but I did.

Friday, 11 February 2011

Getting time to chill out

Ok, so finally, I've some time to sit down and actually write something!

How are you?

I'm happy to be off for the weekend.  Work's taken a downward turn recently, but it's not all bad.  (Well, it is at work, but not the rest of my life).  I'm working on an application for a PhD at the moment, which I enjoy a lot.  It's hugely competitive to try and get funding, but it's worth a shot because it's something I'd absolutely love to do.  

I suppose though that I should be updating you about list stuff!  Like I said yesterday, I've finished The Northern Lights and moved on to The Subtle Knife today.  I'm actually pretty glad I've included so many books on the list.  Books are a real escape for me and a wonderful way to unwind and it's nice to achieve that whilst also reading some of those great classics I have kept meaning to get around to!  I'm sure I'll finish this trilogy soon, then onto something a little more time consuming I think, like Pride and Prejudice or Anna Karenina.  

As promised, I have some pictures for you!  The first was a little hard to get right because of the lighting in my bathroom, but here is my collection of rubber ducks!  My cousin's lovely boyfriend came and fitted new taps for us (our hot tap was broken, sad times) so my ducks had a lovely warm bath.  :)
This picture was a little hard to get too.  I was playing around with my camera settings - playing around is the best way to learn, naturally - so I'm not sure about this one, but see what you think.

This is the book Will got me for my birthday, for writing my novel in.  It isn't actually completely blank, but I liked the blank pages for the shot...

Finally, Beno (Corbyn) again.  He was just too cute.

I don't have many other things I can say I've scored off for now, I'm afraid.  I'm still working on levelling up my WoW character (56 now) and I'm saving up for my Kinect - my expensive thing to buy.  I've £40 so far... lol, but I'm going to cash in the penny pot and put whatever comes out of that (not much, as it's coppers) into the Kinect fund too.  I'm also pleased that in 4-5 weeks I'll have paid off my credit card, which is good!  These aren't very exciting things, but they're practical, and that's what I need to do at the moment really.  I'm sure I'll manage to fit something fun in there too!

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Headless Chicken


Just a very quick post today unfortunately because I am very busy and don't have time to upload photo's today.  (Don't worry, that means you get extra next time!)

I've finished Philip Pullman's The Northern Lights.  It's a nice series, but I'm not a fangirl like some people get...  Still, looking forward to reading the rest.
Anyway, off I go again, I'm a busy bee!

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Work inhibits listing, you know

I find it difficult when I'm working to get list stuff done, but I've managed to get a couple of things ticked off!  First, I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.  I'm so glad I went back and re-read this series, especially now.  Before, I'd always felt a little cheated by how the series ended, from Dumbledore's death and how it was all destined for Harry to have to sacrifice himself.  Having re-read it now, I understand it all a lot better.  I feel much less... annoyed at Dumbledore.  I love it all again and I'm glad because when I was a kid, I hated having loved it so much, then feeling like I just lost it.  Now, I have that enjoyment all back!  Awesomesauce.

While we're talking about books, I've taken Catch-22 off the list.  I picked it up to read last night and discovered I've read it before and recently too.  I'm not sure how I forgot about it, but when I started reading I remembered pretty much everything that happened, and I don't really fancy reading it again.

Moving on to films, we got Leap Year off of LoveFilm, so I've been able to tick that off too :)  There's a lot of heavy films on there, so you need a little light!  I also wanted to show you my picture from yesterday.  This is a hand-made birthday gift from my Finnish penpal Anna, who is absolutely amazingly creative!  Check it out!

Thank you Anna! :)

Today, as I said, not so much done because of work, but I did update my CV.  I've started job hunting again, so it needed to be done.  At least it meant a tick, and that I could upload my CV to some jobsites.  Cool!  I have a picture from today too.  This is part of the decorative hanging I brought back from the Atacama Desert in Chile.  I love the bright colours. 

Sunday, 6 February 2011

I've been a busy bee

Well, yes, it's been a few days since I wrote.  Bad me!  I've been a busy bee though and having much too much fun to write.

Friday was a special birthday tea (for me!) thrown by my wonderful cousin and her boyfriend.  They made me a delicious macaroni cheese, got me a cake and everything!  That was my photo for that day:

Unfortunately, this picture refuses to turn 90 degrees clockwise, even though that's it's orientation in my picture library.  You can see a better version on my Facebook page.

They have a Kinect as well, which I had a lot of fun playing with.  So I've decided I'm going to save up to get one and that can be my "Buy something expensive".  I'd been going to get a very nice designer watch, but I think I'd like a Kinect more.  I can get a watch another time.  

Yesterday, I was also able to score off two new things - Learn how to make cocktails and Have a cocktail party.  A good friend of mine has worked in a bar before and has all sorts of cocktail-making paraphenalia.  She was a wonderful host!  I learned the art of shaking, mixing, draining and pouring and produced a rather sumptuous French Martini, if I do say so myself.  Check it out!

Today, I'm just chilling out.  I'm back to work tomorrow and it's not a very nice day so I'm just relaxing.  Today's picture is of the flowers my aunt and uncle got me for my birthday.  I rather like this photo.  Chow!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

A pigeon fell out a tree

I have had a very relaxing day today, which is really what holidays are good for.  A nice way to start my 22nd year, I must add!

Today, the weather is vicious.  It snowed overnight though that quickly melted with the wan sun this morning.  Now though, we have gale-force winds and rain - it's so windy, I saw a pigeon get blown out of the tree in my back garden!  (That was quite funny to watch, though).

I got to score off something nice today, which was Get a massage.  £25 for a hot stone massage and I can tell you, it was awesome!  It's amazing the difference it makes to have someone who knows what they're doing unknotting your muscles.  There's still a lot of tension there, but it's something I certainly want to make a regular habit.  Not too expensive either, when you consider the benefits.

I also finished Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince today whilst curling up in my duvet to stay warm.  It's certainly a different experience reading them all in quick succession, and a better one I feel.  I'm following the story a lot better without the long interruptions between books and Half-Blood Prince is a particularly sad one.  I've started on Deathly Hallows now and I can honestly say I'll be a bit sad when I'm done!

Finally, I've been playing with my new camera (heart!) and this is the result for today:

Not brilliant, but an experiment in manual focus and learning how it works with my camera.  See - told you it was raining.  :-p  I was trying to get a shot of the raindrops as they fell, but lost patience.  Unfortunately, you can also see Will in the corner of the shot working away.  Never mind!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

A fabulous birthday

I'm 22 today!

I've had a wonderful birthday :)  We had a late night last night watching Million Dollar Baby (strike!).  I had no idea what that was about before we watched it and that film is sad people.  I nearly cried.  Don't watch that unawares.  Really good though.

Anyway, I didn't have a lie in this morning because I was getting up to get my hair cut.  I went from this:

To this!

What do you think?  I really like it.  That's my photo for today too :-)  When I got home, Will and I had an inside picnic; much too cold outside for a real one.  It was yummy.  And I got to open presents!  I got a wonderful journal from Will for me to write my book in.  It's a Papuro hand-made leather journal, which I love.  It's the smell, it's the empty pages and the lovely message from him in the front.  :-)  I'm getting a hot stone massage tomorrow, which I am really looking forward to, from Will as well.  

My mum and dad got me a fabby new camera - Canon PowerShot SX210 IS - it's truly amahzin and I love having a new camera!  They also very generously gave me a case for it, a book on how to take good photos, skinny jeans, maltesers and a salsa DVD.  I've got to thank my gran and great aunt and uncle too who've been very generous and have given me money for my birthday. 

We went and saw Tangled this evening, it's really funny and I'd recommend it!  Right now though, I'm off to go and enjoy the last of my birthday.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

My last day of being 21

Well, tomorrow's my birthday.  It's not a very exciting one - I've run out of "being eligible for stuff" birthdays now... until I'm 50 anyway then it's Saga here I come!  

Today and yesterday have been busy.  Since I had this week off work, I've been cleaning the flat from top to bottom, letting me score off quite a few things.  I've bought a new make-up bag, thrown out all my out-of-date make-up, finished off Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, update the music on my iPod, and finally - thrown out/given away every item of clothing that doesn't fit.  Not bad for a couple of days, huh?

Since I was so pleased with myself and my new make up bag, it was my picture for yesterday.

Today's is of the tulips on my fireplace.  I love tulips, they are quite possibly my favourite flower.  They just make me feel like spring's around the corner and I love the colours they come in.

I may or may not write tomorrow, but either way, I'll be scoring off one more item - getting a haircut.  I'll be sure to show you the results.  :)