Well, yes, it's been a few days since I wrote. Bad me! I've been a busy bee though and having much too much fun to write.
Friday was a special birthday tea (for me!) thrown by my wonderful cousin and her boyfriend. They made me a delicious macaroni cheese, got me a cake and everything! That was my photo for that day:
Unfortunately, this picture refuses to turn 90 degrees clockwise, even though that's it's orientation in my picture library. You can see a better version on my Facebook page.
They have a Kinect as well, which I had a lot of fun playing with. So I've decided I'm going to save up to get one and that can be my "Buy something expensive". I'd been going to get a very nice designer watch, but I think I'd like a Kinect more. I can get a watch another time.
Yesterday, I was also able to score off two new things - Learn how to make cocktails and Have a cocktail party. A good friend of mine has worked in a bar before and has all sorts of cocktail-making paraphenalia. She was a wonderful host! I learned the art of shaking, mixing, draining and pouring and produced a rather sumptuous French Martini, if I do say so myself. Check it out!
Today, I'm just chilling out. I'm back to work tomorrow and it's not a very nice day so I'm just relaxing. Today's picture is of the flowers my aunt and uncle got me for my birthday. I rather like this photo. Chow!
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