Sunday's picture uploaded fine this time, not sure what was wrong with it before. This isn't just a random colour. This is the sky. And I took a picture of it precisely because it was that colour.
As for Tuesday's picture, well, my favouritest new toy ever! I bought my Kinect, ticking off Buy something expensive (hurray for the first tick of March) and had a lot of fun trying it out. Here it is all shiny and new...
Today's been a work day, so you get a boring picture today.
I'd really like to give you something witty or insightful, but I just don't have it in me today. I'm working on so many long-haul tasks at the moment and am so ridiculously broke there's no way I'll be doing anything that costs money this month so it's a difficult time to be enthusiastic about the project - there's still so much to do! But, I think if I can get over this hurdle, I'll be doing ok.
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