Saturday, 23 April 2011

The problem with keeping a blog whilst trying to do a huge to-do list, is that quite often you don't have a whole lot to write about.  This week, all I've done in my list is read The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown, though I have nearly finished The Da Vinci Code too.  

However, I do feel that sometimes, because I'm tired or whatever, I gloss over some of the bigger achievements.  I don't feel there was an appropriate amount of gloating upon paying off my credit card, for example, because you have no idea how long I've been trying to pay that off!  Since 2008!  And it's not even like it had a huge limit!

Or, there's the instance of "deciding what to do with my life".  Admittedly, it wasn't a case of waking up and saying "Okay, I'm going to decide what to do with my life today."  It was more of a creeping decision.  But still - maybe I should have been a bit more proud of that.

The issue, I'm coming to realise, is when recounting past events, you can gloss over the boring bits, like only ticking off one thing in a week.  But when you're retelling it all in real time, it's a little more ... of an effort to be entertaining, perhaps.

So, seeing as I've only read a book this week, why don't you have some pictures instead?

Self explanatory really.  A good book, but not my favourite of his.

This is Tabby.  I've had him since I was three and he still guards my bed.

Sparks from the chimnea. It looked rather pretty.

Will, at the awards ceremony.  His HNC project was nominated and although he didn't win, the fact he was chosen to represent his college and was in the final three for the award, despite it being his first major project, is a huge achievement and I'm very proud of him.

Blossoms.  They're just so pretty.  I wish they were around all year.

One big ass anchor.  I wonder how big the ship was that used to carry it!

Finally, my new crush, Jack Bauer.  (Not Keifer Sutherland.  Just Jack).  This man is one hot little bundle of killer sex appeal.  :-)  It certainly makes watch the entirety of 24 a lot easier!

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