Friday, 6 May 2011

A busy week!

Ok, so I know I said I would post more regularly, and it's a been a few days since last time, but I do have a good explanation!

So, on Monday I was at work.  It was a busy day with some final preparation for a meeting on Thursday.  (We'll get to that).  I was a busy bee!  And then at night time there was Glee, and I was tired.  I did take a picture for you though (how nice).  This is a pinata Will made me for our first anniversary.  He filled it with feathers and sweets and glitter - it was awesome!  I didn't want to break it though, so we cut a hole in the bottom.  I still have it to this day (obviously) and it still makes me smile.

Tuesday was a day off, but I spent most of it walking.  My practice walk was fourteen miles - I walked more than a half marathon in a day people!  This picture was with a penguin outside the Discovery.  Why are they there btw?  I've no idea.  You can tell this was earlier in the walk before I got tired, because I'm smiling.  Lol.

Wednesday I was back at work.  I submitted a PhD proposal last week (that's what Thursday's meeting was about).  For those of you who aren't familiar with how a PhD works, it's three - four years of hard hard work.  And lots of reading.  I got given this giant pile to start with.  And yes, I said "to start with".

Finally, Thursday.  I had my meeting and it went really well - we now have an academic backer! - but I'm not telling you any more than that because it's *top secret* and if I told you I wouldn't have to kill you, but I would have to shut you in a cupboard for a very long time.  In the evening Will's end of year party was happenin'.  Here's a blurry, funny-coloured shot of the two of us.  Awww, aren't we pretty?

I'm sure I've probably done some things I've forgotten to tell you about, but if I haven't, I'm working on those ticks - don't worry.  May is a "no chocolate" month (tick) and I'm also going to visit my wonderful cousin Amy next week (tick) and I can't wait!  I'll probably do some boring stuff too just so I can bore you with it.  I'm so good to you.  :p

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