Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Preparing to Succeed

I might not have actually ticked anything off "per se" but I have made the steps for another three ticks.  On Friday I'm hopping on a train to visit my fab cousin Amy (tick!) - a long overdue trip that was originally scheduled for December but got cancelled because of the snow.  I also used the genius that is Groupon to get a discount voucher for a piranha pedi.  Me, my mum, my aunty and another cousin are all going to go together.  Woop!  Also, finally, I have set myself the challenge of having a shopping spree whilst visiting Amy.  Cool beans.

First, I have Friday's photo to show you because I didn't upload it for last time.  This is a rocking chair I found in a charity shop!  I was so happy - it's exactly like the rocking chair my mum rocked me in when I was a wee baby.  I love it!

By Saturday, it had started raining.  Not a bad thing since we've had the driest March and April on record, but it rained hard all day - check it out!

Still raining on Sunday.  I tried to be a bit more artistic this time around.  I'm still learning how to use my camera properly, but this one isn't too bad, huh?  I like a bit of rain though, it's been lovely lying at night listening to it.  There's something very therapeutic about it.

Monday's photo is my friend's new kitten, Travis.  Travis is eight weeks old and rather adorable!  Don't you just think he's so cute?  He goes from being full of energy and running around like crazy to fast asleep and back again in a heartbeat.  Awwww.....

In preparation for my loooong train journey on Friday, I got myself a wee treat.  The new Pokémon!  I haven't started it yet, I'm saving it for the train.  Looking forward to it though :D

And finally, today.  A poor shot of my suitcase.  It's empty just now, because I am knackered after my first go of taekwondo (great fun btw) but it will be all packed tmorrow after work!  Braw.

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